Alex Costantino

South Burlington, Vermont


I create artwork in ceramics, paint, pencil, print, and video, and, although I love and frequently become absorbed in the peculiar material qualities of a medium, my work is always at the service of a vision or idea. Creating for me is an opportunity to satisfy a curiosity- what would the world look like with this in it?

For example, what would a dazzle camouflage bowl be like? Would it disappear or would it stick out?


Alex Costantino is an artist and art teacher based in the Burlington area. He holds a BFA in Printmaking from the Kansas City Art Institute and an MFA from the University of South Florida.


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Rise (3.5"x3.5"x3.5", porcelain, 2010) by Alex Costantino

Sting (4"x4"x4", porcelain, 2010) by Alex Costantino

Slow Children At Play (4"x4"x4", porcelain, 2010) by Alex Costantino