Ginger Cloud

Bee Monument
(6.5″x7″x4″; wool fiber, oak leaves, acorns, glass marbles, a bumble bee, black
walnut wood; 2019)

Ginger Cloud
Barre Town, Vermont


Ginger Cloud enjoys creating art that invites people to connect with nature. Through use of vibrant natural fibers Ginger encourages people to slow down and become present with the landscape or action unfolding in the art piece.


Ginger Cloud is a prolific artist. For the past two decades she has created art through various mediums including photography, fiber arts, jewelry, collage, paper mache puppets, and creative writing. Mrs. Cloud’s art work has been displayed in community settings and festivals in Oregon and Vermont. Mrs. Cloud grew up in rural Vermont, spent her young adult life in Eugene, Oregon and now enjoys living in Barre Town, Vermont with her husband, two dogs and cat.


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Field of Flowers
(wall hanging; 18″x30″; wool fiber arts with fabric-lined stiff backing; 2019)
Sisters Rising
(9″x12″; fabric collage wall hanging; 2018)
Nature Wall Hangings
(each: 12″x9″; wool fiber arts wall hangings; 2018)
Felted Fish Pins
(each: 4″x2.5″; wool fibers; 2019)
(9″x12″; wool fiber arts placemat; 2019)